Monday, 15 April 2013

Wazifa Fatiha-3 (Find Job)

To find a job do this wazifa for 4 weeks. You will not need to do it again.
Start on the first Monday night (the night between Sunday and Monday) of an Islamic month.

Read Surah fatiha with full bismillah each time.

Time of wazifa is after sunset till 12 at night. After that the time for wazifa is finished. Wazifa must be completed with in this time. Wazifa is for 4 weeks. 

Monday night  
Darood/Salavat  ….7 times
Surah fatiha 70 times
Darood/Salavat  7 times

Tuesday night  
Darood/Salavat  ….6 times
Surah fatiha 60 times
Darood/Salavat  6 times 

Wednesday night     
Darood/Salavat  ….5 times
Surah fatiha 50 times
Darood/Salavat  5 times

Thursday night
Darood/Salavat  ….4 times
Surah fatiha 40 times
Darood/Salavat  4 times

friday night      
Darood/Salavat  ….3 times
Surah fatiha 30 times
Darood/Salavat  3 times

Saturday night
Darood/Salavat  ….2 times
Surah fatiha 20 times
Darood/Salavat 2 times

Sunday night   
Darood/Salavat  ….1 times
Surah fatiha 10 times
Darood/Salavat 1 times

Read like this for 4 weeks. Once you get the job even then complete 4 weeks.
Note: You must read full Bismillah with each Surah Fatiha


  1. What is darood/salavat? Is it DArood Sareef.
    Also what do you mean by starting wazima between night of Sunday and Monday? Please explain
